People's Republic of Zollner

So the world DOES in fact revolve around Madeline Jane and Karis Anne Zollner!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

New Bed

We play musical beds in our family. Maddy has slept in just about every possible bed/couch/cradle/crib in our house. Actually, she hated the crib and did the opposite of sleeping in it... to tell the truth so we all vetoed that idea pretty darn quickly. Her toddler room is *almost* done, but in the meantime we decided to "graduate" her into a toddler bed in the corner of our room. Most recently, she has been sleeping in the guest room and that has been working out fine, but we'd like to get her used to the little bed for when we move it into her toddler room. And it frees up the computer for me at night without worrying about waking her up. Hence all the posts to this blog all at once. Just a bit more paint and woodwork and it will be ready for her. Note the cute firefighter theme that I was able to scrounge together on ebay and craigslist of an old Pottery Barn Kids pattern. I love it!


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