pinwheels in the dance floor wind machine

snuggling a little girl who doesn't have time to chill when there is a dance floor complete with disco balls, flashing lights and a wind machine....

enjoying said dance floor together

Maddy snapped a pic of the two of us, see we do sometimes hang out together and even touch a time or two, crazy!!!

blowing bubbles in the wind machine, practicing for the big send off

Maddy making a cheese face (this was surprising, usually she won't indulge me)

Maddy swinging around the dance floor with Daddy

karis' turn to make a cheese face.

daddy spinning his little girls, SO CUTE!!!

Me and Cara...I should scan in some pictures of us from college, we have held up pretty well this past decade. Good grief, we are OLD when I put it that way.... she was a glowing, gorgeous, elegant bride ready for a lifetime of grace, joy and happiness, we wish her and Dan all God's blessings as they enter this covenant together.
My college roommate Cara got married in Coeur d'Alene last weekend so OF COURSE I had to go to celebrate her special day with her. So we all made the trek and it was truly an amazingly wonderful weekend, even the seven hour drive each way was relatively painless. Here are some pictures of our time at the wedding and Silverwood Theme Park the day after. What fun!
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