woo freaking hoo!

here it comes, get that elbow ready!

Universal Studios

dipping her sweet toes in the ocean

sand in my shorts!

getting ready for the big dip

still getting ready, getting more excited....

Malibu Maddy and Kalifornia Karis

sucking on a lime....

squinty squished up sour face....

dancing to the mariachi music

sleepy girl tuckered out

Maddy happy to be on her way to the beach

Isis, Maddy, Karis and Fayte - all the cousins in that generation so far

Maddy and Isis cooling off with popsicles

stopping at Rubio's after the beach - I had forgotten my swimsuit so I wore my tank bra in to the water at the beach and needed to change into something afterwards so I wore Jason's shirt. Which left him nothing to wear but my girly blue tank top with slightly scalloped edges.... we were cracking up, he looked so feminine and fabulous in it!

another shot for posterity of my cross-dressing husband

standing up

casting call for Shrek 4

maddy at universal studios (we were wondering what she would think of all the cartoons, etc because she never watches tv or movies so all these characters are new to her, but she seemed to love it and watching all the interesting people)

Maddy hamming it up at Great Great Aunt Jeanne's

Maddy's second plane trip to California (link back to april 2006 to see her on her first plane ride), she did GREAT both ways, sat still and played so nicely - whew! big sigh of relief!

Grandma and Grandpa

me and Jason on the Jurassic Park ride, on the left, second row from the back - soaked!

Karis' first plane ride, happy as a clam both ways!

burying daddy at Malibu

cousins chasing bubbles, Maddy and Isis (born three days apart)

Isis sneaking a lick of cool whip

us with curious george at universal studios

cutie pie Karis at Great Great Aunt Jeanne's house, she loved crawling over and putting her fingers in the holes on Jeanne's crocs (un-toys are the best I tell ya!)
Oh my goodness, all I can say is, good times! Family, beaches, fun - it was just a great trip. Here are some shots of Malibu Maddy and Kalifornia Karis. If you want to be linky-dorky, look at my April 2006 post - it is when we went last time and Maddy was Karis' age. Time flies! I hope we'll be able to go in another one or two years, most of my mom's side of the family is down there and it is wonderful to reconnect. Plus the beaches are so much warmer and the water gets deep quicker and has better waves to splishy splash in than our coast up here.
I absolutly LOVE the one of you and Maddy getting splashed by the killer wave! So cute!
~Love, Cousin Kellie
PS I miss you guys!
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