White Christmas

It looks like it might stick around this year for Christmas, how fun! We've been having a good time playing in the snow and watching it fall all cuddled up inside by the fireplace, too. Today we ventured outside to walk to my friend Erin's house (Hi Emery!). I rigged up a rubbermaid tub with a rope and made it a sled-ish adventure for Maddy. I knew the stroller would never handle the three foot drifts, so I gave it a shot and it worked like a charm! We just needed to get out and go somewhere different, we all had cabin fever and were getting cranky and in each other's space. It was a nice change of scenery for us and good to get outside and breathe in all the fresh, crisp air. Maddy and I went outside yesterday when Jason was home to hang with Karis inside... the snow is taller than she is, she'd get swallowed up! We got some great video... one of these days I'll figure out how to put those on here too.... anyway, Merry White Christmas!
funny how it goes from green to buried in snow. i am trying to post the whole progression we got out here...
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