Maybe this is a little too much reality, but i LOVE these pictures, it is really our life....

both girls up on the counter (counters are fine for climbing in our house, it is just the piano and dining table that are off limits, and yes I do clean them regularly because of this habit), Maddy is clipping her toenails (yes,
gross, I know, but Jason left them up there in his basket of stuff and she found them, this USUALLY happens in the bathroom, LOL) with one princess glove on and her magic dancing fairy crown with streamer ribbons, while Karis shoots me her crazy adorable weird cheese face with sister-given stickers all over her back....

Speaking of no room at the inn... where the heck do i sleep? these two have fully claimed a king bed plus a twin. this just makes me laugh. little divas.
It looks so cozy and comfy in there...built for snuggling...
Isn't it amazing how they always seem to go horizontal? Its like "how can I stretch my body to take up way more space than I should be able to?" And I'm impressed that Maddy is able to clip her nails without stabbing herself! I'm so afraid that Alayna will hurt herself. Gavin's on the extreme other end and is afraid even to let me clip his nails....he says it hurts them (the nails, I mean)....just like how it hurts his hair to get cut. So interesting how my two have such different temperments.
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